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Anastasia law results one year after its adoption

Anastasia law results one year after its adoption

Articol de Radiojurnal, 20 August 2024, 17:35

Romanian society has begun, following the case of May 2nd - when a drugged driver accidentally killed two young people - to be much more aware of the consequences of consuming banned substances, says PSD Senator Robert Cazanciuc.

The initiator of the "Anastasia" law, which provides for imprisonment with execution, without exceptions, for drunk or drugged drivers who cause a fatal accident, announced on RRA that the Parliament is to debate and approve a draft law aimed at toughening penalties for those who drive without a license.

Robert Cazanciuc: A year after the adoption of the "Anastasia" law, there are three categories of drivers targeted by the law, those who drive under the influence of alcohol, drugs or without a license. While we have seen a 20% drop in the number of deaths in drugs and alcohol in one year, i.e. the law has saved dozens of lives so far, there has been no drop in the number of people driving without a license. That is why I have tabled an initiative that will enter the Senate debate in September, which provides for increased penalties for those who drive without a license, regardless of whether or not they cause road accidents. The penalty is increased according to the seriousness of any accident, and also, in such cases, the execution of the sentence can no longer be suspended. We don't want anyone to go to jail. The law must be tough in order for it to be scary, in order for it to have a preventive role. We simply want to see that people stop dying on the roads and that Romania moves up from first place in Europe in terms of the number of road deaths.

Translated by: Radu Matei

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