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Agriculture and Fisheries Council chaired by Minister Daea: main results

On Agenda: Common Agricultural Policy after 2020, Romania's EU Presidency priorities in the field, such as plant and animal health or support for farmers.

Agriculture and Fisheries Council chaired by Minister Daea: main results
Romanian Minister of Agriculture, Petre Daea, Special Guest of Radio Romania News Channel (RRA)

Articol de Amalia Bojescu, 28 Ianuarie 2019, 21:58

Romanian Agriculture Minister Petre Daea has chaired, on Monday, the Agriculture and Fisheries Council in Brussels, with Common Agricultural Policy after 2020 on the Agenda, but also with Romania's priorities in the field, such as plant and animal health or support for farmers.

During its EU Presidency, Romania wishes to reach progress in negotiations to modernize and simplify the Common Agricultural Policy after 2020. Romanian EU Presidency also wants to identify measures to encourage production of plant proteins so that the European Union becomes independent in this sector.

In the field of animal health, Romania aims to implement measures for the control and eradication of major animal diseases, as well as on the antimicrobial resistance in veterinary medicine.

Strengthening position of farmers in the food supply chain will remain a priority during Romania’s EU Presidency. Envisaged objective is formal adoption of the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive. This will improve the position of farmers who are currently considered to be the most vulnerable link in the food supply chain.

Results of Agriculture and Fisheries Council of 28 January

Post 2020 CAP reform package

Council had an exchange of views on the new delivery model proposed in the post 2020 CAP reform package, focusing in particular on elements such as the annual deadline, a progressive approach to targets and possible deviations. Ministers also discussed the agricultural reserve and financial discipline.

Concerning the common market organization, the Council debated the wine related provisions and notably the possible opening of the market to new wine grape varieties. Finally, the Commission informed ministers about the green architecture.

In this context the Council also had the opportunity to hear from a group of delegations about their bid to have appropriate funding for rural development within the next multiannual financial framework.

EU plant proteins plan

Council was informed about the Commission report on the development of plant proteins in the European Union and explored ways in which their production could be intensified in an economically and environmentally sound way. They focused in particular on practical tools and potential opportunities, as well as on the role of voluntary coupled support.

Ministers were also informed about:

• outcome of conference “Eradication of African swine fever in the EU and the long-term management of wild boar populations”

• establishment of an International Centre for Antimicrobial Resistance Solutions

• issue of dual quality of foodstuffs.

Source:RRA, by Miruna Matei

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