Adina Dragomir:Jury President of 31st International URTI Radio Grand Prix
Adina Dragomir, Editor-in-Chief of Radio Romania Cultural, will chair the 2019 International Radio Grand Prix Jury (31th edition).

Articol de Radio România, 23 Septembrie 2019, 16:23
Adina Dragomir, Editor-in-Chief of Radio Romania Cultural, will chair the 2019 International Radio Grand Prix Jury (31th edition) organized by the International Radio and Television Union (URTI).
URTI competition is open free of charge to any radio broadcasting organization or association and institution which devotes itself to the audiovisual media. In 2019, the chosen theme for the 31st edition is PUBLIC SERVICE MEDIA & SOCIAL NETWORKS. Rewarding the efforts of research and originality, awards will be divided up as follows:
- The International Radio Grand Prix, endowed with a sum of $500
- The silver medal
- The bronze medal
- The Jacques Matthey-Doret Award for Discovery, given to a program it wishes to single out for its quality or its originality on a particular criterion: originality, concept, subject, interactivity, direction, technique, sound environment, etc.
"I am extremely honored to have received this invitation and I see it as a great opportunity both personally and professionally. I can only hope that I will rise to the expectations and standards of these awards and the jury I will preside over”, Adina Dragomir told Radio Romania News Channel (RRA).
Adina Dragomir was also part of the Civil Society Gala jury, for the Art and Culture section, in 2018, but also for the international ABU (Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union) jury in 2019. Since 2007, Dragomir is part of Radio Romania Cultural team. She went through all stages of becoming a radio journalist: she was a reporter, she transmitted from numerous cultural events in Bucharest and across the country, she was part of the Storymania documentary program, she produced several radio shows, including the Story of luxury, a program about life-stories of world's greatest creators of luxury brands. During 2014 – 2017, Dragomir produced The city speaks radio program, and from 2018 she is the Editor-in-Chief of the editorial sector of Radio România Cultural.
International Radio and Television Union - URTI
Founded in 1949, under the aegis of UNESCO, the International Radio and Television Union - URTI now comprises 66 radio and television stations from 51 countries. International Grand Prix for Radio Programs is an annual competition organized with the aim of expanding radio art.
Radio Romania holds the Vice-Presidency of this prestigious media organization.
Source:RRA,URTI.Translated by Miruna Matei