60% of the Young People in Rural Areas “Never Had a Job”
Representatives of the National Agency for Employment (ANOFM) say that the issue of employer subsidies will be solved by the budget reallocation in July.

Articol de Diana Domenico, 25 Aprilie 2012, 09:12
Authorities say that the issue of employer subsidies will be solved within the next two months, when the social insurance budget is expected to be amended.
It is, however, a delicate situation, considering that, according to a survey published on Monday, 60 percent of young people in rural areas have never had an actual job.
Representatives of the National Agency for Employment say that this issue is definitely going to be solved in July, when the reallocation of the budget is made.
After that employers will receive any subsidies they have not been granted in accordance with the contracts signed with the County Agencies for Employment last year.
Agreements with employers willing to hire graduates, people over 45, persons with disabilities or people who are the sole income earners in their families will be signed in the summer, when the subsidy funds will have been supplemented.
The funds allocated to unemployment from the insurance budget for 2012 reaches nearly RON 130 million, according to ANOFM spokeswoman Liliana Bogdan.
“These funds will be used to pay the subsidies stipulated in last year’s agreements and part of those stipulated in the contracts signed this year between AJOFM and employers. Agreements are signed for a period of 12 months and subsidies are paid up to their expiration date. In order to cover the subsidies in this year’s contracts, budget appropriations will be redistributed among budget chapters starting with July 1st 2012”, Liliana Bogdan stated.
The act of granting subsidies is meant to encourage employers to hire young people and elderly ones, as these are the categories which register the highest unemployment rates.
A sociological study published on Monday shows that more than 60 percent of the young people over 19 in rural areas, either unemployed or inactive, have never had a job.
60 percent of those who have had a job are over 26 and 75 percent of those who are unemployed have been so for at least three years.
Translated by: Roxana-Andreea Dragu, MA Student, MTTLC, Bucharest University