2024, an important year for Romanian politics

Articol de Amalia Bojescu, 24 Decembrie 2023, 04:40
RADIO ROMANIA NEWS (December 23) - Director: Laurentiu Vaduva - 2024 is an important year for politics in Romania, but considered atypical, as there will be four rounds of elections. PSD and PNL, parties that currently form the ruling coalition, have decided to run separately in the elections, while two alliances are already taking shape in the opposition. The first electoral test will be on June 9, the European Parliament elections. Amalia Bojescu gives us details.
Reporter: In addition to the parliamentary activity, the political formations, both in power and in the opposition, have started preparing for next year, an electoral year with four rounds of elections. The two governing formations, PSD and PNL, decided to go separately in the electoral competition, although at one point candidacies on joint lists were considered.
On the other hand, the opposition is gathering ranks to form alliances as alternatives to the current government. One of these is represented by the center-right formations, USR, Force of the Right and PMP, which decided to form the United Right Alliance. The three formations will go on joint lists and support a single presidential candidate.
On the political scene, also in opposition, the "Sovereignist Pole" is taking shape, which has so far gathered eight formations around AUR.
The first electoral test for the parties will be on June 9, when Romania's representatives in the European Parliament will be elected. For the local elections, the date of September 29 is advanced. The PSD-PNL governing coalition is still discussing the dates for the parliamentary and presidential elections.
Translated by: Radu Matei