14 October: Impressive pilgrimage dedicated to St.Parascheva
It is one of the largest religious pilgrimages in Romania.

Articol de Radiojurnal, 13 Octombrie 2018, 23:35
Romanian Orthodox Church celebrates, on 14 October, Feast of Pious Saint Parascheva of Iași and as each year this day, several thousands of people from all across the country gather in front of the Metropolitan Cathedral in Iași (Eastern Romania), where they stand in huge line for hours to pray at the relics of the Saint.
It is one of the largest religious pilgrimages in Romania, that usually starts a couple of days before the feast and lasts until one day after. Representatives of state and local authorities also take part in the event.
On Sunday, 14 October, all present will attend the Divine Liturgy.
Saint Parascheva is considered the protector of Moldova and Bucovina and Christians believe in the miraculous powers of her relics.
Source:RRA.Translated by Miruna Matei