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Au fost gasite 5 articole pentru soldiers

Defense Minister: Number of professional soldiers on the rise
News in English 30 August 2024, 20:45

Defense Minister: Number of professional soldiers on the rise

The Minister of National Defense, Angel Tilvar, met, in Focsani, with soldiers from two important brigades that ensure...

Defense Minister: Number of professional soldiers on the rise
Belgium will send 300 soldiers to Romania
News in English 26 Februarie 2022, 22:10

Belgium will send 300 soldiers to Romania

Belgium will send 300 soldiers to Romania
From Crimea to Transdniestr
News in English 25 Martie 2014, 08:09

From Crimea to Transdniestr

Fears are growing in Bucharest and Chisinau that Transdniestr might become the next Crimea.

From Crimea to Transdniestr
Romania and the situation in Ukraine
News in English 14 Martie 2014, 08:52

Romania and the situation in Ukraine

According to President Traian Basescu, Romania fully supports Ukraine’s independence, territorial integrity and sovereignty.

Romania and the situation in Ukraine
Romania sends extra military force abroad
News in English 26 Ianuarie 2011, 10:23

Romania sends extra military force abroad

The Supreme Council of National defense decided that in 2011 the Romanian Army forces deployed in theaters of operations are...

Romania sends extra military force abroad