Au fost gasite 16 articole pentru salary
Average net earnings in March were 5.185 lei, up 309 lei from the previous month. The highest values were recorded in the...
Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu held a round of consultations with representatives of the Sanitas Federation on Thursday, 25...
The gross minimum basic salary guaranteed in payment will increase from January 1 next year to 3.000 lei, of which 200 lei...
As of January 25th, Romania has a new Labour Code.
Real earning index, i.e. the reported inflation for September fell by almost one percent against the previous month at 99,1...
Parental allowance will return previously, at the level of 85 per cent of salary, after the law will be amended by Parliament...
Timișoara is probably the most equipped intensive care unit in the country, but the staff can barely cope with the patients.
The Government run by Emil Boc assumed responsibility before the Parliament on the law on teachers’ salaries and on the law...
The permanent offices of the both Chambers of Parliament decided that the Government will assume responsibility for the Code...
Teachers’ trade union leaders said they strongly reject the postponement and rescheduling of the payments won in court by the...
Premiere Boc said that the Government would promote a draft bill in the parliament to stall the increase in the teachers’...
Prime Minister Emil Boc has announced that the government adopted the unitary wage bill and the public sector wage bill; also...
Throughout 2010, Romania’s economy will have undergone a 2% contraction of the GDP, but it will gradually shift to a rising...
"In January", the government could get the sixth tranche of the International Monetary Fund loan. The IMF officials also said...
The current condition of Romanian education is perhaps more disappointing than ever.
The debates on the restructuring program have managed to postpone redundancies in the Romanian railway system until September...