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Au fost gasite 3 articole pentru mines

Monitoring and research missions in the Black Sea
News in English 17 Iulie 2024, 01:54

Monitoring and research missions in the Black Sea

Four naval vessels that are part of the Black Sea Task Force to combat sea mines have started their monitoring and research...

Monitoring and research missions in the Black Sea
Two historical sea mines in the Black Sea have been neutralised
News in English 13 Iunie 2024, 14:21

Two historical sea mines in the Black Sea have been neutralised

The Romanian Naval Forces neutralized on Wednesday two historical sea mines in the Black Sea, identified during exercises...

Two historical sea mines in the Black Sea have been neutralised
Drifting marine mines, a threat to Black Sea merchant ships
News in English 24 Mai 2024, 23:31

Drifting marine mines, a threat to Black Sea merchant ships

Due to the military conflict in Ukraine, drifting sea mines pose a threat to merchant ships crossing the Black Sea daily,...

Drifting marine mines, a threat to Black Sea merchant ships