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king mihai

Au fost gasite 3 articole pentru king mihai

The Royal family gives needy families holiday gifts
News in English 25 Decembrie 2012, 10:41

The Royal family gives needy families holiday gifts

As every year, the Royal family has prepared 300 packs with gifts that will be offered to needy families in Săvârşin.

The Royal family gives needy families holiday gifts
News in English 08 Noiembrie 2012, 11:10

King Mihai, 91st aniversary in London

The sovereign attends a number of events on the occasion of his 91 years of age and 75 years of receiving the Royal Victorian...

King Mihai, 91st aniversary in London
News in English 21 Septembrie 2011, 10:35

King Mihai in Parliament on his birthday

The Parliament approved the proposal of the Liberals of inviting King Mihai on 25 October 2011, in a solemn session of the...

King Mihai in Parliament on his birthday