Au fost gasite 18 articole pentru food
About 2.6 million people with low incomes will benefit from August 14 from a new installment of 250 lei, which will be...
Prin programul de prevenire a obezității denumit FOOD, aflat deja în al cincilea an, organizația HORA încurajează personalul...
Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu announced on Monday that he has decided to extend by 60 days the ordinance on the capping of...
Producţia va fi mutată în Ungaria, iar aproape 400 de angajaţi vor fi disponibilizati, anunţă Ziarul Financiar.
The VAT cut on food down to 9% has brought revenues 400 million RON higher than projected since June.
Farmers and the authorities of Salaj start a campaign to convince consumers that they do not have reasons to concern...
Popularly named the Lent, it recalls the 40 days and nights that Jesus Christ fasted before He started the mission.
Romania will perform tests to detect horse DNA in the food products labeled as beef food products.
The message of the campaign, "We love meat from Romania", will be distributed across various media all through the year 2013.
The Minister of Agriculture said that all imports of fruit from Turkey will be under scrutiny, after certain irregularities...
The National Bank of Romania estimates for this year an inflation of 5.1 percent, well above the target of 3 percent.
Competition Council President, Bogdan Chiriţoiu, says that should be encouraged more Romanian products in major stores chains.
Studies show that mothers do not know how to feed babies and do not resort to medical advice. Egg and meat diet...
Consumer prices got lower in July for the second month consecutively, due to the decrease in food prices and therefore the...
The Agriculture Minister Valeriu Tabără, argued that the state should support the local production and that he didn’t...
According to the latest statistics of the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), the food price index...
Food prices might go up even more this year, if the global grain harvest doesn’t improve ‘significantly’ this year, according...