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anastasia law

Au fost gasite 2 articole pentru anastasia law

Anastasia law results one year after its adoption
News in English 20 August 2024, 17:35

Anastasia law results one year after its adoption

Romanian society has begun, following the case of May 2nd - when a drugged driver accidentally killed two young people - to...

Anastasia law results one year after its adoption
Since the Anastasia Act came into force, the number of drunk driving offences has decreased
News in English 14 Ianuarie 2024, 19:44

Since the Anastasia Act came into force, the number of drunk driving offences has decreased

In the six months since the Anastasia Act came into force, the number of drunk driving offences has decreased, but the number...

Since the Anastasia Act came into force, the number of drunk driving offences has decreased