The leaders of the ruling coalition meet on Wednesday for their first session of the year. They will discuss the date of the...
In Dumitru Chiselita's opinion, the biggest challenge of the year is related to the fact that on March 31 the current...
Romania has enough natural gas reserves to get through the winter, says Energy Minister Sebastian Burduja, in the context of...
The trade union organization Cartel Alfa has asked the People's Advocate to appeal to the Constitutional Court the...
Romanian-born American actor Sebastian Stan won the award for Best Lead Actor in a Comedy at tonight's Golden Globes....
In Romania, the number of respiratory infections fell by nearly 36% between December 23-29, to about 57.000. Experts believe...
The government plans to finalize the state budget by the end of this month so that the new parliamentarians can debate and...
None of the ruling coalition leaders or any other member of the coalition parties has had any reaction so far to last...
In two days' time, Romania and Bulgaria will join the EU's Schengen area of free movement. For Romanians, border...
The government has set up the Department for Streamlining Government Activity, which will reduce state spending next year by...
The Government approved today the so-called "Little Train" Ordinance, on the basis of which the state budget for...
Among the planned measures are: maintaining the reference point, an essential element in the calculation of pensions, at the...
Over 3.100 firearms were confiscated by police in the first 11 months of the year. Of the total, about 1.300 were lethal...
Nearly 23.000 employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are mobilized over the holiday period to prevent illegal acts and...
The leaders of the ruling coalition discussed at the Victoria Palace the draft of the emergency ordinance called "Little...
More than a quarter of Romanians are pessimistic about the year 2025, according to the latest survey on the subject,...
More than 150 tourist destinations from all over the country have qualified for next year's "Destination of the...
Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu presented three invoices for flights with aircraft chartered by Nordis. In a two-minute video,...
Romania will close more than 30 land border crossing points from the first day of 2025, with the full accession to the...
Pupils with excellent results in Buzau county will be able to study in a private school, specialized for their needs. 20% of...
The members of the new Government led by Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu were sworn in on Monday evening in a ceremony at the...
There is a third-degree avalanche risk in the high alpine zone, 1.800 meters above sea level, in most massifs. Rescuers warn...
On Sunday we will find out the name of the Prime Minister designated to form the next government, after two weeks of intense...
The 35th anniversary of the Romanian Revolution was commemorated by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. She...
There are signs that negotiations for the new government, in the PSD, PNL, UDMR and national minorities formula, could...
The Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, in the formula resulting from the parliamentary elections, held separate plenary...
The newly-elected representatives will go to the Senate on Thursday, December 19, for the preparatory activities to validate...
Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu has announced that PSD is withdrawing from the talks to form a new government, but is not...
A new pro-European government must be in place by the end of the year to put an end to the period of uncertainty the country...
The National Audiovisual Council has issued decisions requiring the removal of illegal content identified online. This...
The bill to amend the statute of senators and deputies failed to get the required number of votes to be adopted in...
The mayor of the capital, Nicusor Dan, announced on Monday evening that he will run for president as an independent. He said...
The Anti-Corruption Directorate, in partnership with the Stop Contraband platform, launched today the national corruption...
Belgium will send more troops to NATO's Romanian Battle Group in Cincu next year. Belgian officials reconfirmed their...
The executive decided on Thursday to allocate billions of lei for investments to support local community objectives, as well...
A PATRIOT ground-to-air missile battery from the 74th Regiment executed, on December 2-12, a training sequence in the...
Representatives of the four pro-European parties and the national minorities group discussed the future government program on...
In Romania, more than 1.3 million people were working in public institutions and authorities in October 2024, about 33.000...
The presidential candidates received total contributions of more than 122 million lei and spent almost 110 million lei on...
The Minister of National Defense, Angel Tilvar, together with the Ambassador of the United States, Kathleen Kavalec, visited...
The leaders of PSD, PNL, USR, UDMR and national minorities could meet this week to start talks on the formation of the new...
The Electrica Group has been cyber-attacked, but the company's critical systems, as well as the distribution and supply...
The annulment of Romania's presidential elections and the possibility that a candidate with extremist and sovereignist...
The Ministry of National Defense reports new disinformation actions in the online environment, especially on the TikTok...
President Klaus Iohannis announced that he spoke by phone with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, with whom...
Romania's Constitutional Court has annulled the results of the first round of the presidential elections on the grounds...
Of the two candidates in the second round of the presidential elections, the first to react was USR President Elena Lasconi....
The main political parties reacted after the Constitutional Court's decision. RRA correspondent Amalia Bojescu summarized...
The Central Electoral Bureau decided at its meeting on Friday evening to apply the ruling of the Constitutional Court on the...
Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu says that the Constitutional Court's decision on the annulment of the presidential...
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs announces that it has informed the allied states about the attempts of external interference...
Primul tur al alegerilor prezidențiale va avea loc la data de 4 mai, iar turul al doilea să aibă loc la data de 18 mai, a decis coaliția de guvernare, potrivit unui comunicat al PNL.
Includerea României în Programul Visa Waiver va fi marcată oficial vineri, 10 ianuarie, printr-un eveniment organizat la...
Este vorba de încheierea unui acord pe cinci ani privind livrarea de gaze naturale din proiectul Neptun Deep.
În Mehedinţi, peste 200 de oameni ai legii au ieşit în faţa Inspectoratului Judeţean de Poliţie, după care au pornit în marş...
Ministrul de externe al Franţei, Jean-Noël Barrot, a reacţionat la declaraţiile preşedintelui ales al SUA Donald Trump...
Fiecare dintre aceste filme oferă o perspectivă unică asupra istoriei, identităţii şi societăţii.